Saturday, November 24, 2012

How Can a Marketer Best Plan for Long Term in Mobile Devices?

With technology rapidly growing in today's market, it is crucial to stay on top of the newest devices and applications. Focus on what is currently out there and also what is to come. Keeping up with the constant updates will allow you to target your audience in a more efficient way and will also assist your strategies. Hone in on your preparation tactics and see where there can be some improvement. Research and prepare on what's to come.

Investment in a long term plan will generate returns as the social networking sites open up more and more opportunities related to mobile brands. Put value into your investment. Put interested value in offering experiences across the different the mobile channels to ensure the most success. Give it some thought and insight so that the information is valuable and worthwhile. Translate all of your content to be read on a mobile device with a noticeable call to action and contact information. It is important to translate the content because more and more customers will be using and conducting searches with a mobile device. They want to search for your business as quickly as possible and that is most often on a mobile device.

Make sure that the search and social networking pages work locally on their mobile devices. Every single detail needs to work when the customer clicks on the page. Be aware of what the customers are trying to look for the most on your site using their mobile device. Use different tools to find out this information. Once you find out what they are searching for the most, capitalize on it. Update the information and provide your customers with new and fulfilling information that will suite their appetite. Because more and more people are continuing to do business on their mobile devices, it is crucial that your company is prepared for everything. Accept the challenge and strategize in every way possible. Make a list of what could go wrong and offer solutions.

Most everyone today has a smart phone. If they do not, they are planning on getting one. Not only that, but the technological companies keep updating the current version to a newer one. This is why you constantly need to check and update your site and your content. Keep your focus on usability in regards to a mobile device. Your company along with others need to capitalize the social factors of the mobile devices because it is very easy for people to use and very easy for those individuals to share the content that is surfacing on their phone. Get ahead of the game and start incorporating mobile device features with your business practices. You can also incorporate your site with the best web videos from the best video production company. Cater to public by transforming your site information in a way that works for any sort of mobile device. Whether it is a smart phone or tablet, be sure to do it for both. Your main goal is to generate more clients and improve your company.

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What Kinds of Web Videos Are There?

As web videos increase in popularity, you're probably wondering what style of web video is most appropriate for you or your business. Web videos are not only a great marketing tool, they are an excellent way to add personality to your website. But it's very important to consider the purpose of your video before you work out what style you want to make. Here are some of the types that have taking over our computer screens over the past couple of years.

Piece to camera

This kind of video can be filmed on a webcam. Typically low budget, these videos can either be amateurish or immensely effective marketing. They involve one person speaking to a camera about a topic. An amateur piece to camera web video might be a response to another person's video or something that's happened in the news. Conversely, they can be a great insight into the person behind the video. There are lots of "vloggers" - video bloggers - who release web videos weekly or a few times a week. These can be a great way to show off your personality and give your website a bit of flair.


Interview web videos make for engaging viewing. Interviews can be conducted with industry specific people that your viewers may find interesting or useful. They are also a good way to do cross promotion. Interviewees will likely share the end interview with their friends and there will be potential for you to be interviewed on their website or at the very least promoted on their various social networks, which can only be a positive thing.


An explainer or explanatory video is often animated. They are useful videos to explain products that don't really lend themselves well to text, which is why animation is usually used in these videos. Explainer videos are very useful for websites, apps, web products or internet services.

Introductory or demo

Similar to explainer videos, these videos serve the purpose of introducing products, businesses or services. Whether these are live filmed or animated, they are becoming an essential for businesses. They act as very useful PR and marketing.

Product demonstration

These are becoming commonplace on retail websites. Statistics have proven that visitors to retail sites are 64% more likely to purchase items after viewing a product video. These videos can simply be added to a product page, showing how a product is used or briefly how it works.


Webinars are a great way to instruct or teach audiences all at once. A webinar usually involves a presenter, somewhat like a university lecture, and a live chat. The main benefit of a webinar is that it allows audiences all around the world to connect with the presentation, ask questions and really engage with the content.


These are generally the same as what you would see on television and in fact, many big brands ensure that their television ads are uploaded to the web at the same time, if not before they are broadcast.

These are just a few of the different types of web videos that are emerging as this exciting new field of digital marketing becomes more and more popular. What kinds of web videos do you use? What web videos do you think are the most effective for marketing?

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How to REALLY Sell With Video

Most businesses, when they want to sell with video, go one of two ways.

They either become pushy and start hawking their stuff like a bad used car salesman.

Or, they give and give and give and never ever ask for the sale and then wonder why no one buys from them!

Neither method works! Here's how to REALLY sell with video:

The Almighty Script

Choose ONE piece of information that you'd like to share with your viewers. Make that piece of information something that they ask you about over and over again! That means they have a lot of interest in that topic.

Focus your script writing on that topic and that topic alone. Repetition is important. Use a friendly tone of voice when going through each section of your script so that you do not appear obvious, and remain engaging throughout each video.

Use bullets which highlight your main points so that viewers can read and listen at the same time. Use these bullet points whether you are doing screen casting or whether you're doing an on-camera video.

Be Brief

Internet videos must be short and to the point. Viewers usually watch more than one video during their viewing time, and you greatly increase the chances that your video will be watched in its entirety if it's no longer than 5 minutes. Longer videos - which are engaging - CAN get many views as well, but they're more challenging for a beginner.

Get Your Timing Right!

Don't introduce your offer right at the beginning of a video! That's like asking someone to marry you on a blind date. Whoa! Most gals and guys start running for the door when you do that!

Focus instead on providing information that is important to THEM right from the first opening second of your video. Remember, build the know like and trust factor first! See my blog post Never Ever Start a Video This Way for more details.

Be Engaging

Engaging with your viewers virtually immediately draws them in and gets them interested. Ask questions. Encourage them to comment and interact with you in your videos. Consider which tone of voice you want to use as well when delivering your message.

Appropriate music can also help capture the attention of your audience. (Just make sure you have the right to use that music!)

Don't talk at your viewers, talk TO them. Encourage them to take action at the end of each video. Be specific in that ONE action that you'd like them to take. Don't confuse them with multiple calls to action.

Practice, Practice, Practice

If you follow these tips you should be able to create effective, engaging business videos that will attract more viewers. Video marketing does take some practice, but with a system, and some practice, you WILL get more and more comfortable with the process.

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Knowing More About Video Marketing Statistics

With the advancement in technology, quite a number of business organizations have taken the big initiative of marketing their products to the general public. A good example of such an initiative is video marketing. This is a good method of advertising goods and services produced by a given organization. With the help of the internet, video marketing involves provision of videos of given products for viewing by potential customers.

These video clips are either placed on DVDs or uploaded on the internet. the latter is the most efficient way of ensuring a large viewership taking place at a go. In this context video marketing comprise an individual explaining to the target group how the product being advertized is essential and worth buying.

The skills of a marketer thus come in handy since the convincing power has to be great. As the coverage takes place, one has to ensure that clarity is enhanced in order to reach the intended group with ease. No single person should have problems in understanding the context of the video marketing.

In coming up with a good document, various factors need to be taken into consideration in order for the video marketing statistics to be effective and achieve the intended purpose. Being able to able to interpret this will make your life so much easier.

Language Usage

The most essential factor is the language being used. This is the form of communication that needs to be familiar to the target group. If the natives of the given place understand English then, the video should be in English. in addition to this, simple words incorporated in the video have to be easy to understand and well pronounced.

This aspect increases the viewership and attracts more customers to the product or service being advertized. The true reflection therefore will be in terms of sales if this is done successfully.

Mass Distribution

Another key factor in video marketing is the means of distribution or relaying the intended message. It can either be by the internet or manual distribution. These two methods will matter well depending on the cost which is also a factor and a determiner on the success of the video. On the internet quite a large number of people will view the video as compared to distribution to each and every person.

Moreover, dealing with how many people will view the material comes in handy.

Costs Involved

The cost of producing and posting videos on the internet is relatively cheaper as compared to that of producing tapes and DVDs and distributing them to people.

As times goes by, a lot of business analysts view video marketing as a good way of advertisement. If the script is produced well, there will be increased number of sales and orders once the appealing and catchy view has been brought out.

In this manner, the results to be expected are great and really give organizations using them a substantial amount of reaping the fruits of their labor once it's successful.

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5 Keys to an Effective YouTube Marketing Strategy

As I've shared with you in the past, there are quite a few video sharing platforms available to us these days. And yet, YouTube still remains the number one site since it has the largest community.

YouTube also has several free and easy to use tools which you can access right on your YouTube channel. This makes it easy for you to promote your business and increase your visibility online.

Here is a quick overview of 5 tools which should play a key part in your YouTube marketing strategy:

#1: Video Analytics

YouTube allows you to look at video analytics for your videos on their site and even to download more advanced reports that can be imported into Excel. You can view data for certain date ranges, world views from YouTube Insight, world referrers, and video demographics. It's easy to figure out your viewers' ages, gender, location and to determine how popular each of your videos are with this information. And guess what? It's free!

Simply click on the little graph button next to the number of video views on any of your YouTube videos.

#2: Tagging

Tags - I like to think of them as keywords - are a vital part of optimizing your video for search engines. Pay close attention to the tags you use for each video and make sure your tags are relevant to your content.

A great way to come up with effective tags is to start a search within YouTube for your topic and see what terms pop up in the drop down box. Those terms which are popping up are ones that you know are already being searched within YouTube, so they are great to use as tags as well.

Take it a step further and select a few videos which are high in the rankings for the tags you want to use and see what additional tags they are using. If these keywords are appropriate for your topic also, use them!

Using keywords in your title is also VERY important for SEO purposes. Use those keywords in your title which you KNOW you audience is looking for.

#3: The Share Button

It may sound too simple, however, ALWAYS tell your viewers to click the share button and share your videos. YouTube allows viewers to share videos via embedding, tweeting, sharing on Facebook, or simply e-mailing the video link. Gmail users can even play YouTube videos right inside their e-mail. The Google Plus link allows you to watch videos with friends by using the hangout feature as well.

Even though all these feature are right there next to your video, you STILL have to encourage viewers to do the sharing. They are distracted and likely won't think of doing it themselves.

#4: Upload a Transcript of your Video to YouTube

This is where you are going to be so happy you wrote a script!

As you know, the audio portion of your video cannot currently be indexed by Google or YouTube for SEO purposes. The technology simply doesn't exist right now. I do however understand that that technology is being developed even as we speak.

In the meantime, here is a nifty trick you can use to increase your visibility.

You can upload a transcript along with your YouTube video. Google and YouTube will index everything within your transcript so make sure it is keyword rich.

#5: YouTube's Promoted Videos

Google, one of the top online advertising platforms, has integrated its marketing platform with YouTube as well. Well, they own YouTube, so duh!

YouTube's Promoted Videos feature helps you attract customers, viewers and subscribers to your business, organization, or video channel by displaying your video ad against relevant search results and related video content on YouTube.

This is a great way to catch the eye of potential customers who might be interested in your service or product. You'll be most effective when you use attention-grabbing titles on your videos to attract the interest of potential customers.

YouTube alone can greatly influence the success of your social media marketing campaign; however it also works well with Facebook and Twitter. With the many great tools offered, if you aren't using YouTube as part of your marketing, you are missing out on an incredible way to attract new customers.

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Would You Delegate Your Work?

Would you delegate your work or masterpiece? Do you think that Leonardo da Vinci let some dude from a far away country work on the Mona Lisa? Do you suppose he delegated his art so he could hang out by the pool at his villa? Did Michelangelo outsource the painting of the Sistine Chapel? If he did, it probably wouldn't have taken him four years to complete, but it certainly wouldn't be the masterpiece we still marvel at half a century later.

Some tasks can and should be delegated. Outsourcing is a good thing, and vital to the growth of any small business. But some entrepreneurs get so caught up in the outsourcing craze that they delegate away their brilliance. In an effort to grow and scale, they end up giving away their greatest skill, asset or talent.

That's why, when it comes to video, I won't work with just anyone. Because of the time and creative effort involved in developing a video marketing strategy, or producing a customized video, I'm really selective about who I work with. It's part of my "red velvet rope" policy that ensures that I only work with ideal clients. Many colleagues have pointed out (rightly so) that I could make more money and take on more clients if I would outsource my creative services. They are probably right. I could take on more clients if I sent some of the work overseas. But the fact is, I'm too particular, too proud and too passionate to delegate the most crucial and creative aspects of my work.

I'd rather work with fewer clients who are absolutely over the moon about their video results than compromise on quality. Idea generation can rarely be outsourced. Creativity cannot be delegated. Great marketing strategy does not come from a worker bee 8,000 miles away who is making $3.00 per hour.

Take my accounting, my admin, my article distribution, but not my art! I have no problem getting a guy on fiverr to do my backlinks, but if a video production or video marketing strategy has my name on it, you can bet your sweet bippy it was created by me!

Now, I'm no Michelangelo - and your video masterpiece won't take four years to create - but I think we can all learn something from the Renaissance masters. Do what you do best and delegate the rest. Don't compromise on your brilliance. Don't let anyone else mess with your Mona Lisa!

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Online Video Production Made Easy To Business Owners

Online video production can change the way your business is earning today. Gone are the days when sales letters in long form used to persuade people to purchase products or subscribe to services. Internet advancements made people to prefer watching clips over reading texts and more interactive ways to acquire information.

Once you have resolved to create promotional clips for better brand recognition and increased sales, there are certain things which must be straightened out. These comprise your target viewers, the creation process of your clips and their effective distribution. Let us take a look at these points one by one.

Online video production is said to be successful if its outputs get viewed many times. If a clip attends to the interests and needs of a certain group of people, it is most likely to attract viewers. Have a target market and know their profile. Place right before their eyes the solution to their most daunting problem and they will keep coming back to you for more insights.

Depending on your budget, you can hire a firm that will take care of the entire creation of your promotional clips. Say, your business is just starting and your funds call you to this task on your own. Just ensure that you are armed with excellent pieces of equipment and relevant video production tips. For this, you need not buy professional gadgets. A decent camera, tripod, microphone and set of lights will do.

As for the types of promotional clips to create, here are the different kinds from which you can choose - viral, conversion and educational. Viral videos abound in platforms like YouTube. Their being unusual and entertaining is what makes them a hit to people from all walks of life. These can get your website increased hits. However, an increased sale through them is quite questionable.

Conversion clips are the ones seen on landing pages. As these clips are to encourage website visitors to purchase, they have to be created with ingenuity. For one, they must include explicit call to action phrases that will guide visitors to give your offers a try. Lastly, there are educational clips. This type is most enjoyed by internet users hungry for information. You can create a series of tutorial clips showing how each item in your product line is used. The important thing here is that you highlight your products or your brand as the solution to the viewers' problems. While tutorial clips can be distributed through platforms, they are best published on your web pages as well.

If you think you cannot handle the demands of online video production on your own, prepare to hire a specialist in the field. This might sound like a huge expense but it could give you the biggest savings in the long run. Treat it as a valuable investment for your business. Remember, a well-made video attracts a lot of potential customers more often than not. And so look for a service provider that can deliver your needs at the price you can afford.

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Facebook Timeline Mistakes

With the incorporation of the new format of Facebook, it is essential that all companies stay current on how to fully utilize the new format. Each company needs to know how to use the new format and how to input the right amount of information. It is crucial to be on top of the social media game because it is ever so rapidly changing and will continue to do so. Because Facebook is a huge if not the biggest social networking site, it is of the utmost importance to know how to correctly use it to your advantage. This strategy includes avoiding any possible mistakes that can easily be made.

Consumers respond and engage with provided photos and albums. Not including a cover photo into your company's timeline is a massive mistake. Adding a cover gives a face to the brand and implements personality to the company. Use the cover photo feature as a canvas to give the consumers a strong visual impact that they will take away from your Facebook page. Do not use the cover photo feature to promote a certain product, share coupon or an advertisement. Each and every photo should not include pricing or product information, your company's contact information, hints to like the page, or a direct call-to-action. Avoid these photos and mistakes at all costs. Use clean, simple photos that display your brand and convey a message. Refresh and update the photo feature to keep your followers engaged.

Input some content about your company into the "about" section. This area is a source where you can define your company and demonstrate your customer appreciation. Give your customers as much detail as possible to show them that you are most interested in their input and comments rather than selling a product or gaining more revenue. Showcase to your followers what your company does so that they can grasp an understanding of what the goal is for the community and its followers. Not including any information will decrease your credibility and professionalism as a company. Improve social media websites like by putting up your best web videos in your sites. It tells the follower that you are not sure of your practices and goals.

Updating posts and information is crucial, but do not clutter your followers' newsfeed with constant updates. Make the imperative information visible, but updates to the profile and messages do not need to be seen. Showing the steps that your company took to build the brand helps mark certain events and also gives the follower an idea of the company's background and history. Small businesses especially need to implement this feature into their Facebook pages to instill a sense of community and reliability into their consumers. Choose what to post to the community and decide what is suitable and what is not. Avoid cluttering your followers' newsfeed to evade irritation and annoyance.

Be sure to use all of the formats that are available on Facebook whether it is photos, links, posts, or another format. Variation will keep the followers engaged and consistently linked in to what is changing.

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How to Get More Video Views

As a video marketing strategist, the biggest question I get these days is not "How do I get started?" but "How do I get more video views?" Obviously, getting people to view your video is important, but we seem to be getting way too obsessed with the numbers.

While you definitely want eyeballs on your video, what you really need is the right eyeballs. I've always maintained that it's not how many people see your video, but who is seeing it. Don't get so hung up on the number of views that you forget your marketing objectives. Who is your target market? Will your video appeal to them? Where is your target audience most likely to see your video? On YouTube? On Facebook? On your own website? And most important, will your intended viewer take action on your video?

The newest YouTube layout is more social media-friendly than ever. Building a community around your videos, and getting viewers to react and interact with your videos has become much more significant. Views are cool, but engagement is cooler! Video views may feed your ego, but responses will feed your wallet. That response can be in the form of comments on your blog, "likes" if your video is on Facebook, and perhaps even a purchase if your video is on a sales page.

Consider all the actions a viewer can take when your video is on YouTube: Viewers can subscribe, like, favorite, comment, post a video response, share, embed, email, and even start a Google+ Hangout and watch videos with friends. It's no longer simply about getting views, it's all about connection.

Of course, your prospects can't connect with your video if they don't see it; which brings us back to views. There are plenty of tips and tricks for getting more views, but most of that groovy SEO stuff doesn't take into account the most important ingredient of all: Your video's content. Is your video's message going to resonate with your target audience? Does it pass what I affectionately call the "who gives a crap" test?

Could it be that video viewers just aren't that into you? Yikes! If your video is not "landing" with your intended audience, go back and do a gut check on your content. Ultimately, it's the message that matters, not whether your video is super sophisticated.

I saw a statistic about YouTube that really put things into perspective. If you were to sit down today and start watching every single video now on YouTube, it would take you roughly 8,000 years to view all the videos. That's a lot of video! So the old "upload and hope for the best" isn't going to cut it.

With that many videos out there, you've got to be compelling. You've got to be interesting and relevant. You've got to be unique and memorable. Most of all, you've got to have a video marketing strategy! (Sorry, "post and pray" is not a strategy!)

Stop worrying about getting video views just for the sake of views. Create your video to resonate with your target audience, and focus on getting those people to view your video. Those are the people who will become your viewers, your fans and, ultimately, your customers.

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Top 5 Video Marketing Tips For Massive Success With Video

Video marketing is one of the best ways to deliver your message to your audience as it has the power of combining words with tonality and emotion. It is the next best thing to meeting a potential client in person and if it is done right, it can create instant trust, authority and credibility.

Here are the top 5 tips to keep in mind when creating videos for you internet video marketing strategy.

1. Make sure that each video that you create has excellent lighting. It is absolutely crucial to bring out the best lighting in your videos, which means lighting up the subject - usually this would be the person who is speaking. This can be easily fixed by either using natural sunlight which is what I like to do and I like to record my videos either early in the morning or later in the afternoon, somewhere around sundown when the natural light is perfect for videos. You can also invest in really cheap lighting kits that you can find on eBay or

2. Make sure that you get your videos out as far and wide as possible so that means utilize your social media networking sites, your email list, your friends, family. Spread it as far and wide as possible. Send out the video to as many places as possible as soon as it is created for maximum impact. It is best to do this as soon as you have published the video for maximum impact and also to avoid putting it off and never taking action on your video promotion.

3. Ensure that you have exception sound quality. Poor sound quality is inexcusable when it comes to videos so make sure that you either have a great camera or a microphone. A lavalier mic, either wired or wireless, works great and they can easily be purchased online or from your local electronics store and they will really improve the sound quality which is what you want for your videos.

4. Don't forget that all-important call to action at the end of your video. What is a call to action - simply telling people what you want them to do next and why - what are the benefits of doing so? Make sure you always stress the benefits and how it will improve the lives of your viewer of move them towards a solution to their biggest challenge or problem.

5. Tell people what you want them to do next. Examples include asking people to visit your blog or website, asking them to watch another video, asking people to connect with you on Facebook or twitter or sign up for a consultation or strategy session that you have.

If you haven't started your video marketing strategy - you are leaving a lot of money on the table. Using video for your marketing is a completely free and highly effective way to generate new leads, targeted prospects and even joint venture partners, while building your online visibility and influence.

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Why YouTube Should Be In Your Online Marketing Plan

When it comes to marketing on the internet, there are very few free traffic strategies that work well for you. Some of these free traffic strategies bring you traffic depending on if you continue to do it in bulk, while other free traffic strategies work powerful for you now - and powerful for you in the future. What is a free traffic strategy that behaves like this? It's simple: YouTube.

YouTube is a phenomenal website. Everyday millions of people visit this site to watch their favorite videos, hear their favorite songs, and even to learn some information on a particular subject. It doesn't matter what online business you're in... I'm confident that you can make YouTube work to your advantage.

The average video length is around 8-10 minutes. With popular music videos, the average is around 4-5 minutes. Never mind the length at this point... you should know that the "time length" has nothing to do with getting more people to visit your YouTube video. Sometimes you can just upload a video and within 24 hours have it get a TON of visits.

And then on the other side, you could upload a 10 minute long video, and have virtually no one visit your video. It's almost like a waste of time. Nevertheless, no matter what your video stats are, there are all kinds of ways to improve it, and all kinds of ways to use it to get traffic back to your website.

You can definitely use YouTube to increase your sales. At the bottom of every YouTube video you create, make sure that you display your website address. Also, include it in your description also - this will make your link clickable. The more videos you upload, the more subscribers you will get, and the more views you will get due to these subscribers coming back and being updated whenever you post a new video.

YouTube is certainly a great way to promote your online business. There is the option to advertise on YouTube under certain types of videos, but when done right, you really don't need to do this. It's best if you include your face/body on the YouTube videos. These kind of videos can get you a ton of views.

Another way to structure your video is by interviewing someone. This is instant content and information, that could possibly last an entire hour. YouTube videos like this get tons of repeat hits - especially if the information was good, or the interview was fun and entertaining.

YouTube is a very popular medium, and is something that I think everyone can partake of simply and easily. It's not hard to create a YouTube video. Simply get a high quality camcorder, and start recording yourself. Give out awesome information, and you will find that people will want to visit your website for more information.

Don't sleep on this technique. I'm sure you can find ways to get tons of traffic to your website from your YouTube videos. Focus on building up a subscriber list, and use this list to get repeat views simply and easily. Be sure to do it now.

Good luck with using YouTube to promote your online business.

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5 Love Lessons to Use In Your Video Marketing

Video builds an emotional connection and speeds up the know, like, trust and buy factor.

I've said that a lot and it sounds great doesn't it?

But, do you know HOW to build an emotional connection? In your love life OR in video?

You'll find lots of information on the internet on how to build an emotional connection with the opposite sex. Love is a very popular topic!

We can use those same "love lessons" for business!

Marketing = Dating

After all, marketing is a lot like dating. You don't propose marriage on the first date. You go through the process of forging a relationship, building intimacy and trying to get to an emotional connection.

The ability to build an emotional connection - whether for love or for money - IS something you can learn how to do. And it's one of the most powerful skills you can ever have!

What is an Emotional Connection?

An emotional connection is when others see you as the same as themselves or on "their side". They feel that you "get them" and that you understand them. It is a set of shared emotions, whether those emotions be laughter, fear, pain, happiness, sadness, frustration or joy.

Here are some love lessons, turned into video marketing lessons:

1. Study Them (Your Viewers!)

Understand what your prospective customer needs and wants from life and you. This means paying close attention when she/he talks.

Look past the words and into the emotions that underscore their words.

Examine the exact words they use and use those same words back to them in your videos. This makes them feel heard which is a great emotional connector and can forge an instant bond between the two of you.

2. Build Trust

Developing mutual trust takes time. It's not an overnight process, but it's an essential building block to an emotional connection. Establishing yourself as trustworthy means things like:

Being available when you say you're available Following through on commitments and projects Making sure your product / service does what you say it will do Being consistent with your marketing and your delivery

Let trust build naturally and don't try to rush it.

3. Be Emotionally Available First

Authentic marketing is discussed a lot these days. Gone are the days of slick super-hyped marketing. Being real is a lot more effective.

Here's the key: You have to be the one to be vulnerable first.

So share some appropriate personal information (NOT private information). Tell your own story of struggle, frustration or conflict that your customer can relate to as a common struggle.

Video is a tremendous vehicle for telling your personal story. Your vulnerability and your authenticity are up front and center through your body language and the tone of your voice.

You have to be the one to bring emotion to the table first. Our clients and customers are not going to open up to you until you open up to them.

4. Show Affection

No, I don't mean you should hold your client's hand!

For business, showing affections means demonstrating that you actually LIKE your customer. Show happiness in your videos as you greet them. Point out their good qualities, the things they are doing right. Uplift them. Make them feel good in your presence and make them feel liked.

5. Eye Contact

Well-known speaker Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE says "Eye contact is an important way to emotionally connect with your audience." In fact, "the longer the eye contact between two people, the greater the intimacy is developed."

We can use this same practice in video.

Practice looking directly at the camera lens while filming and your viewers will get the sense that you are confident, understand them and have great intimacy with them.

Love Lessons CAN be Scary

How would it feel to use these tools in your video marketing AND in your love life!

Whoo boy! Could be a little scary right?

Being open and vulnerable can be frightening. I can't guarantee that it won't ever be painful.

However I can guarantee you that you'll feel freer, happier and less stressed out when you are authentic, open and vulnerable - in love AND in video marketing.

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How to Make Money on YouTube

There is a simple answer on how to make money on YouTube. This is an old occurrence in the electronic marketing industry, yet, this is still a common practice in this community because of its effectiveness. However, it takes serious thoughts and skills to come up with a strategic way of executing a money generating YouTube clip. The video can be an advertisement, or a personal video, a business presentation, or even a historic event. Anything can be featured, but there are things that you need that should be complimented with the videos before it heats up and becomes profitable. You'll need to use advertising that will pop-out from the clip once it is played. It is easy.

There are hundreds of thousand partners YouTube has all over the world and some of them are earning good money. This is the very first step. Become a partner. When you are, you will be allowed to put on ads on the videos and when you do, every click of viewers will have generated revenues were as a partner, you will have your share. However, it is not trifling to become a partner, and you would need to understand how it works.

Here are the basic points to remember:

1. AdSense Account - as a partner, it is required and very important to have this. Remember that when you advertise on YouTube, you need more than one or two videos to put on your ads. So when you have a lot of numbers of ads on different videos, all the clicks from the distinctive videos will generate on your AdSense account. That is how to make money on YouTube.

2. Know your target - choose the profile to the audience that you want to advertise. The type of video will determine their character. Once you get it, make sure that the video has a certain number of viewers because it would mean that the video is searchable and would be on top.

3. Be original -People always tend to look at new perspectives. Try a presentation that would socially or politically attract people to view. Make sure that the video relates to your ad because it will interest your target audience. The more interesting your ads that relate to the video, the more clicks you will be able to get.

4. Be a Partner - apply as a YouTube partner. Go to the YouTube Partner Program and fill out the necessary requirements. However, due to the load of people applying, it may take long, and it only needs your patience to successfully be considered.

There are a lot of ways of making money on the internet, and with these effective means you could be very succesful. It may not be sooner, but it will happen. Just make sure to follow the steps and be more open to many possibilities. Explore around as the internet is the central ground to get more information and for you to come up with innovative ideas. Although, those are just basic steps, try to do more research to determine the effective and efficient way on how to make money on YouTube.

YouTube Video Marketing Tips That Work Like Crazy   

Want To Rank High on Search Engines? Use Video Marketing To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Video marketing is a broad term which refers to the use of videos in order to draw customers in to buy your products. The evolution of internet has brought with it an explosion of websites like YouTube which can be used to market your company's services or products. This will generate traffic to your website as you can give a link to your website in the description of the video. You can also provide the link at the start or end of the video or it can be shown at the bottom throughout the video.

The concept is very simple. A video is a visualization of written content. It might be difficult for some people to imagine a product based on its description but if you make a video about it they'll know exactly what they should expect. Another benefit of video marketing is that most people do not have the temperament to read long product descriptions. This problem can easily be addressed by making a video as it will show them what they want to see in a short amount of time.

Videos can be made fun and engaging using illustrations which is better than reading boring text. Videos can spread like a virus if you have intelligent people working on them. They can be shared via mobiles, tablets, laptops and other digital devices of modern age and your website will start getting traffic. Also it will improve your sales if it was a video about a product.

The question is "What are the essential components of a video which make it spread like wildfire?" The most important thing is that a video should be short and leave its impact. It's just the same as text, no one wants to read long essays and no one wants to hear some random guy blabber about how great he is or what a great product he is selling.

Your video should be informative and provide engaging and quality information as this makes people share the video and this will help increase traffic to your website. Another important factor is the title you choose for your video. Simple titles are usually not successful in reaching the top results. Your title should be engaging and at the same time contain some variation of the keyword.

There are a lot of websites on which you can upload videos. Once you have a video, why not upload it on several websites in order to create greater chances of receiving a hit? The websites are YouTube, Vimeo, MetaCafe, Daily Motion besides many others. However it is a time-consuming process if you want to upload videos manually on these websites. An easy solution is using software which can be used to mass upload videos to all the websites. These softwares can be either free or paid depending on the features and number of websites they support.

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways of generating traffic to your website as videos capture the attention of people better than any other method.

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Using YouTube For Promotion To Your Website

A great way to promote your site and get more traffic to your website is with video marketing. Many people are using sites like YouTube to get traffic, make sales, and to take over niches one video at a time. You can get a lot of exposure for your YouTube videos if you know how to promote them in the right way.

But all of this means nothing unless you take action. It doesn't matter if you have the best strategies, the most elaborate marketing plan, or a long list of ideas about videos that you want to create. It's in your best interest to take action now, so that you can start reaping the success that YouTube can offer to you.

If you've never used YouTube before, don't panic. Many people are newbies to YouTube, but they still manage to get a lot of views to their videos simply and easily. Now if you want a lot of views to your videos, it's imperative that you don't do so in a fraudulent way. Always stick to normal methods of getting more YouTube views, because YouTube (owned by Google) will crack down on you and ban your account.

You will find a lot of people preaching their "Holy Grail" YouTube strategy, and then as soon as you use the strategy, your account gets banned. So build your views up naturally. Create articles and drive visitors to them. Create an email list and tell your subscribers to check you out on YouTube.

Upload to YouTube everyday (if you can). Make a reasonable amount of video submissions per day (I generally submit only 1 video per day). Participate in forums in your niche and entice them to visit your videos in the signature area of your posts. You could even advertise on YouTube. They have their "promoted videos" section that can get you to the top of a video search - thus increasing your views.

YouTube is hot, and it will continue to be hot for a long time. I suggest you hop on this trend while you can, because it can really help to bring in some brand new customers for your business. And as we all know, 80% of all business profits will come from sales from the "backend". "Backend" simply means selling to your existing customers - so there's nothing technical here.

Some of your videos will be a hot success, and some will not. I suggest you still post to YouTube anyway because the more you post, the more views you will get, the more YouTube subscribers you will get, the more traffic you will get to your website, and the more sales you will get.

I used to sleep on YouTube until I finally made the commitment to see what it was all about. And I have to tell you, I was pleasantly surprised. I still use YouTube till this very day, and it has been nothing short of sensational. This is something that you will want to do if you want to see more new sales and profits for your online business.

Good luck with using YouTube to promote your internet business today.

YouTube Video Marketing Tips That Work Like Crazy   

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